Community Product Development

To productively upgrade and build product standards, we are taking part in local product developments within communities. Jobs and a stable income are created for people in the community.

Strengthening the development of local community products with both OTOP and SME farmers supports the creation of jobs, helps build careers and provides sustainable income for communities through their own products. We offer help in trade development, design, and nationwide distribution channels. Notable projects this year:

  • Phu Chi Duan Coffee, Chiang Rai Province: Along with the high-quality coffee, this project includes forest restoration and conservation elements.
  • Khung Bang Ka Chao Community Career Development: A project following the royal initiative of King Rama IX through the Chai Pattana Foundation to keep Khung Bang Ka Chao green. We support career development to help generate income for the local community, preserve resources and ensure the area is not left abandoned.
  • Introducing technology to the Organic Agricultural and Forest Restoration of Nan project with an app offering more precise monitoring of weather conditions as well as accurate information for consumers on the safety of their crops.