Customer Relationship and Brand Management

Central Retail is committed to providing exceptional customer experience and providing the best quality service to satisfy, create confidence, and meet the expectations of all customer groups through effective and continuous customer relationship and brand management on all of Central Retail’s service channels.


Achieve a customer satisfaction score of


in 2030

Management Approach

Central Retail is committed to developing effective customer relationship management through a comprehensive customer feedback system based on the Omnichannel strategy. The data collected is analyzed and applied to develop products and services to meet customer expectations. In addition, more opinions about products and services are examined and received through a Customer Satisfaction Survey.

In terms of brand management, Central Retail has implemented a customer centric approach based on the omnichannel strategy to build on the strengths of the brand and communicate to all stakeholders through various channels, such as social media, public relations activities, articles, films, and songs, etc. Sustainability issues are integrated into the brand through communicating Central Retail's sustainability programs and performance, as well as increasing access to healthy products and environmentally friendly products. Central Retail also promotes income and well-being for the community. These management strategies aim to meet the expectations of today's stakeholders who place a greater emphasis on sustainability issues.

Customer Satisfaction Score

Customer Satisfaction Score in 2022
Customer Satisfaction Score (%)
2019 2020 2021 2022
Customer Satisfaction Score 87% 88% 89% 89%

Central Retail Omnichannel

In keeping up with changing consumer needs, lifestyles and expectations, Central Retail focuses on designing a cohesive user experience for customers at every touchpoint. Blurring the lines between physical and virtual stores, our aim is to make shopping as easy and convenient as possible for our customers.